If you have extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, you may qualify for EB-1A/B green card application. Your achievements must have been publicly recognized, and resulted in a period of sustained national or international acclaim.

EB-1A/B 杰出人才教授或研究人员绿卡

You may qualify for EB-1C green card as a priority worker under the multinational executives and managers subcategory if you have been employed as an executive or manager by a qualified company outside the U.S. for at least one out of the past three years. Or, if you are already in the U.S. on a temporary visa, for one of the three years before you arrived here. Several requirements must be met.

EB-1C 跨国公司经理/总裁绿卡
如果你在过去的三年中,或者你现在持临时签证已经在美国境内在你入境美国前,曾有至少一年连续在某一跨国公司担任高级经理/总裁职位, 那么你可能满足跨国公司经历/总裁绿卡申请。对于跨国公司关系和受益人还有其他条件需要满足。

EB-2/EB-3 based on PERM
If you are workers with advanced degrees (EB-2), professionals, skilled workers or unskilled workers (EB-3) and you have a definite, permanent job offer from a U.S employer, your employer might apply green cards for you through employment. PERM labor certification are normally required for this category to prove to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that there are no able, qualified U.S. workers available and willing to take the job you have been offered.

EB-2/EB-3 劳工证基础上的职业绿卡

National Interest Waiver
This category is an exception to EB-2 based on PERM. If you are applying in the second preference category and your presence will benefit the U.S. in the future, you may be able to apply without a job offer or PERM, through what’s we called a NIW. In order to “benefit” the U.S., you’ll have to show that your work in the U.S. will have a favorable impact on its economic, employment, educational, housing, environmental, or cultural situation.

NIW 国家利益豁免

Applicants for a green card through investment must not only invest between $500,000 and $1 million in a U.S. business, they must take an active role in that business, though they do not need to control it. Green cards for investors are limited to 10,000 per year, with 3,000 of those reserved for persons investing in rural area or areas of high unemployment. A new rule is published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, several changes to the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program will go into effect on Nov. 21, 2019. We will keep you posted.

EB-5 投资移民
申请通过投资的方式获得绿卡的申请人不仅要投资50万美金到100万美金的投资款, 还要在生意中担任比较积极的角色,但不要求必须要控制生意。移民局每年发给投资 移民的名额为一万个,其中有3000个要给在乡村地区或失业率高的地区投资的申请人 。 美国国土安全部将于2019年11月21日实施一些针对投资移民项目的重大改革新规定, 我们会实时更新。

Family-Based Green Cards
Are you eligible for a Green card through a relative? If you have close family members who is U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, they may, if they are willing, be able to help you immigrate. It might depend on how close you are --- the closer you are, the more rights you have under immigration law.
