L-1A/B Visa
You qualify for an L-1A/B visa if you have been employed outside the U.S. for at least on continuous year out of the past three years, and you are transferred to the U.S. to work as a manager, an executive, or a specialized-knowledge worker. Your spouse and minor children could get L-2 visa accompanying you.

L-1A/B 高管/技术人员签证
如果你在过去三年的至少一年中曾连续在美国境外工作担任企业经理、高管或者核心 技术人员,那么你可能有机会申请高管签证并可以为配偶及21岁以下子女申请签证。

H-1B & H-4 Visa
H-1B temporary visas are made available to workers in occupations requiring highly specialized knowledge and to distinguished fashion models. There are “cap” H-1B petitions which is subject to 85,000 quota limit and “non-cap” H-1B visa petitions which can be approved for persons who will work for an institution of higher education , a nonprofit research organization, or a government research organization. H-4 visa is for the spouse and minor children of H-1B visa holder.

H-1B & H-4 工作签证/家属
H-1B临时工作签证是颁发给有高度专业知识的人才以及顶级时尚模特的签证。分为需 要抽签和不需要抽签的类型。需要抽签的申请每年有85000个名额,不需要抽签的适 用于给高等教育机构、非营利机构或者政府研究机构的工作人员。H-4 签证是H-1B工 作签证持有者的配偶和21岁以下小孩可以申请随行的签证。

O-1 Visa
O-1 visas are available to persons of proven extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. To be considered a person of extraordinary ability, you must have sustained national or international acclaim in your field, or, if you work in motion pictures or television productions, you must have a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement.

O-1 杰出人才签证
O-1签证是颁发给在科学、艺术、教育、商业或者体育领域有非凡能力的人的签证。对 于非凡能力的要求,申请人必须证明在自己的领域里享有国家级或国际级盛誉。或者 ,如果你在动画或者电视制作领域工作,你必须要证明自己票房的非凡成功。

E-2 Investor Visa
E-2 visa is the visa version of EB-5 green card. An E-2 visa allows businesspeople from certain countries to work in the U.S. for a business in which people from their country have invested. There are no limits on the number of E-2 visas that can be issued each year. Also, it can be extended for unlimited times.

E-2 投资者签证
E-2投资者签证是EB-5 投资移民的签证版,它不是绿卡。 E-2投资者签证可以使双边贸 易条约国的公民来美国投资生意并且在美国合法工作生活。E-2投资者签证没有名额的 限制,并且可以无限次申请延期。

K-1 Visa
If you intend to marry a U.S. citizen, your fiancé may bring you to the U.S. for the wedding, with a K-1 visa. Although it is a nonimmigrant visa---lasting for only 90 days and cannot be renewed---you are very close to being able to apply for a green card after you’ve obtained a K-1 visa.